p-cresol analysis added to the Analutos urinary intestinal dysbiosis screen

Complementing the range of metabolites already offered as part of our urinary intestinal dysbiosis screen, Analutos is proud to announce the inclusion of another metabolite: p– or para-cresol. What is p-cresol? Simply put, p-cresol (4-methylphenol) is a compound produced by bacteria in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract; specifically bacteria called Clostridioides difficile (C.diff) acting on or metabolising the aromatic amino acid tyrosine.

The proposed effects of elevated levels of p-cresol are numerous: (i) it is a uremic toxin (a compounds that accumulates in the kidneys and affects kidney functions), (ii) it may contribute to further gut dysbiosis (where the delicate balance of gut bacteria and their metabolites are disturbed), and (iii) it has been linked to various conditions including facets of cardiometabolic functions and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). With research still on-going examining the ways and means to affect levels of p-cresol, there are some important intervention options already open where elevated levels are identified.

These include the use of specific broad-spectrum antibiotics and importantly, the use of certain strains of probiotics such as Bifidobacterium strains and in particular, Lactobacillus reuteri bacteria. As previously, our urinary intestinal dysbiosis test is undertaken via the gold-standard method of liquid chromatography – qToF mass spectrometry.

For more information and ordering details, see here: https://www.analutos.com/our-tests/intestinal-dysbiosis-markers-test/